Vodeni ogledi z degustacijoDružine, skupine, čebelarje in pare
Kakovostni med iz slovenskih panjevSlovenski med z zaščiteno geografsko označbo
Relaksacija v čebelnjakuDihanje aerosol zraka iz panja
Med in čebelji pridelkiČudoviti darovi narave
Nedelja – ZAPRTO
+386 41 227 407 – Danijela
+386 41 657 120 – Blaž
Email: ambrozicdanijela@gmail.com
Mnenja obiskovalcev
Kids, Seniors EVERYONE can enjoy and learn
This was a short, informative and lots of fun educational tour. Kids and adults alike will be fascinated with the bees and the honey products are fun to taste. You also get an experience to lay down in a bunk bed and watch the bees close up and personal.
Barbara, Virginia USA
Bee farm, be fun
Thoroughly enjoyed my visit here and beekeeping in Slovenia is something they take very seriously. The room attached to the bee house has a bed that you can lie down in a be soothed by the gentle humming of the bees.
Robert, Boston USA
Hello Blaz,
David and I would like to thank you for the tour you gave us last Saturday, we really enjoyed it! And the honey and polen are great. I am not allergic to polen ?
I would very much like us to keep in contact and I hope to join the intro courses in March next year. If you could please send me some more info (dates, activities content, etc), both from the course at the center and your private training, that would be great.
Sara de la Rosa
I am one of the visitors on this tour (in the orange jacket) and I enjoyed the visit so much! Thank you for the wonderful introduction to your apiary and educational experience we had there! Thank you for the welcome package you had for us, the honey and homemade cookies were a special treat. I love all of the honey I bought! The painting on beehive fronts is something I had never seen before. Our group had a wonderful experience that day! Thank you so much!!
Joan Funk, USA
Dear Ambrozic,
Really THANK YOU for your today tour and all information from you!
Its really important for us know that somebody like you is ready help us with beekeeping abd support us by information etc!
What’s the buzz?????
My husband and I went on a tour of a local beekeeper operation. What’s all the buzzzzzz-Beekeeping was started in Slovenia! The large colored buildings are called Apiaries. They were arranged to maximize efficiency and were colored for people to identify their hive. The Folkart started as religious to protect bees, and added art motifs that were humorous, and represented nature. World Bee day is May 20th-Slovenia is teaching the world beekeeping. This is a great educational tour. Really beautiful Folk Art and a local shop with bee products. Highly recommend. It costs 5 euros and was an hour tour.
Lui, California
Dober dan Danijela! We wanted to thank you once again for walking us through your beekeeping. You have created a beautiful farm and we were very grateful to learn about its history and operation. We hope to see you again soon, and are still enjoying your honey.Thank you for protecting and helping the bees!
Christoper & Christine
Our small tour group was treated to an educational, informative hour long tour by a very passionate bee keeper with a very engaging manner. She described how she and her husband first started out and now have many, many hives each home from 60,000 bees. As we visited on a somewhat chilly day, few bees were flying out and about and we were really able to get a close up look at the hives.
We were also treated to some of the best tasting honey…I particularly enjoyed the Spruce and was able to purchase some in the small attached store.
Myrna Teague
The first class honey.
I would recommend the walk to Selo, but first call the owners and announce your visit. It is necessary because they have the farm and they are busy all the time. Once you reach the address where they have their own honey you will learn a lot about the use of the honey. I understood they organize the presentations for the groups, with the prior announcement of course, but if you are looking for specific kind of honey they will help you find it and give the explanation.
Jana, Sarajevo
Kids, Seniors EVERYONE can enjoy and learn.
This was a short, informative and lots of fun educational tour. Kids and adults alike will be fascinated with the bees and the honey products are fun to taste. You also get an experience to lay down in a bunk bed and watch the bees close up and personal.
Barbara, Virginia